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Not So Serious Games:

'Serious Games' is a serious industry (google it.) Their mission is to teach you through a game. We want to do that too. Games are fun, motivating, enchanting, humourous, scary, even when they touch on a serious topic. Our first not-so-serious game was called Flash Card Refute. It is a build-your-own 'genius quiz'. OK. Its a set of flash cards. But you can refute the expected answer, which is often callled the "right" answer. And you can share your refutation with your friends, and they can refute you back.

Flash Card Refute is an example of a coding community apprentice app. Originally conceived as a vehicle for one member of our Riversound team to learn Android, and the other to learn back-end programming. It took on a life of its own. Still needs work. Volunteer?

The big game we are developing is called 'Use your words.' It is a modern language learning game that is just an old fashioned adventure game that levels up based on the sophistication of your language. Using natural language processing techniques to analyze your progress we hope to launch it around January 31, 2020.