Learn at Riversound


In 1976 Ursula, one of our founders, walked into the MIT Logo Lab and discovered what it meant to be part of a coding community. Forty years later she has taught many people to code, and to do it well. The approach is to immerse the learner in a coding community in which reading well-written code, asking thoughtful questions, and accepting proactive critique of one's code is essential to becoming fluent in a formal language. We also teach graphic arts, sound production, and writing for the web. All of these skills are essential to building good interactive software.

You can join us at Riversound as a learner. In our in-person workshops and apprenticeships we offer a library of well-organized materials that will appear in early 2020 as an on-line resource called The Impatient Coder We can get you started one-on-one either in person or online. We can also help you start your own study group using our resources.

Do you want/need tutoring but can't afford it? In the great tradition of trades-people you can also start as an apprentice, working for us as an unpaid intern while you master the skills you need. An apprentice is someone who is learning a trade. Coding is a trade because it is an art, a craft, a mode of communication, and a complex skill. Coding requires practice. At Riversound we give you an opportunity to contribute to an existing project: it might be open source, it might be for profit. You will learn and grow from working in a community that includes serious mentors who themselves learn by teaching. And this isn't just for coding - its for writing, graphic arts, sound and music composition. High School and college undergraduates as well as recent college grads have partnered with us, contributing to on-going projects. Some have ended up as subcontractors, all have gone on to pursue careers in computing.

Contact Ursula Wolz at riversoundsol@gmail.com